February Citizenship & New Events

Hey Chobotss!
Today begins a new month meaning new citizenship items. The February Citizenship items have been released. Lets have a look at each of the membership plans and their corresponding items in this post.
  • 1 Month Citizenship - $4.99, Nicho Board, 10,000 Bugs
  • 6 Months Citizenship - $24.99, Galactic Explorer, 65,000 Bugs
  • 12 Months Citizenship - $44.99, Lovenator, 150,000 Bugs
I hope you all like the new citizenship items. The one I adore most is the Lovenator Suit.

Also, the events for February 2013 have been announced. You can have a glimpse of this month's events below.
  • 9,23 : Game Night
  • 12 - 15 : Week of Love
  • 20 : Age 0 Party
  • 25 : //Classified//
I wonder what Classified means. We'll have to wait and see. Anyways, thanks for reading this post. Have a great day.

Agents Meeting

Hey Chos!
An Agents Meeting is going to be held on the 2nd of February. In this meeting, agent recommendations, suggestions, feedback, glitches, etc. will be discussed.
It is not mandatory for agents to attend the meeting but they should if they can.
During the meeting, every agent has to recommend two chobots who they think are suitable to become future agents. Agents must also make a list of bugs and glitches to notify the team.
There will be two meetings, one at 1 PM cho-time and the other one at 11 PM cho-time. Agents can refer to the countdowns below.
Time left until 1st Agents Meeting

Time left until 2nd Agents Meeting
The meeting will be held in the most empty server.

Valentine's Day Art Contest

Hello Chobots!
There is a new drawing contest on the Official Chobots Blog. To participate in this contest, you have to draw any of the four staff members listed below. Be creative with your drawing!
You must submit your drawing by Saturday, the 2nd of February to qualify for the contest. Click here to submit your drawing. Make sure that you also include something related to Valentine's Day in your drawing. The winners will be rewarded with sweet prizes. So get going!

Interview with Chobot Malinki

Hello Chobots!
Recently, I interviewed Malinki but forgot to post the interview here. He's an awesome guy, very very helpful and fun to talk to. Here is Malinki's Playercard.
You can read Malinki's interview below!
What do you love most about chobots?
I love the community, it's (mostly) busy c: Maybe the great items too? c:

Who is your favorite staff member, and why?
My *cough UK spelling* FAVOURITE staff member is probably Zoo (Zach), he seems really friendly and he does his job really well

Who is your favourite agent, and why?
CHALK FOR AGENT. :x Erm, probably Randomzzz, he's online an awful lot, but he's awesome to talk to c:

What is your favorite game on Chobots?
Can I say Nichos Mission? Eh, yeah because it's quick and earns ya BUGZZZ c:

What is your favorite item on Chobots?
CARROT BACKPACK. 'Nuff said. >.>

What is your favourite location on Chobots?
Rockemall Street, because it's retro disco c:

What do you see in the future of Chobots?
More great items, maybe new locations on the map, legendary magics and parties. c:
Thank You Malinki for the prompt replies and also letting me interview you. Have a great day, chobots!

Game Night Review

Hello Chobots!
The Game Night began after a 10 minutes delay but it sure was a success. I played Space Racing and even though there was tough competition, I managed to secure the top spot till the end. We had a party to celebrate the commencement of Game Night with Jake, Zoo and Koiz. Here are some pictures from the Game Night Party.
Here is the complete list of winners in individual games.
Asteroids - Choin
Mechanical Crab - Waash17
RoboFactory - Piap
Pinball - Vasa12345
Spaceracing - Newy82
Sweet Battle - Wolfyy
Sliders - Woolyfleece
Chess - Jhadow
Garbage Collector - Ryan6872
Nicho Racer - Camera
Cow Mission - Chloe
Tug O' War - Candace
Pam Tree Contest - Sweetie64
All of the winners get a Game Controller, 4000 bugs and 7 days of citizenship. If you did not win this time, don't worry as there will be many more game nights in the future.

New Items

Hello Chobots!
After a day's delay, the catalogs have finally been updated. Many old items have been added back and the catalogs have been reshuffled. You can check out the pictures below to know the items that have been added back.


I'm glad that they've added the Robotic Hand. I also completely love the Banana Backpack. That's all for now, folks.
Have a great day!

January Game Night

Hey Chobots!
It has been a while since a Game Night has been hosted. Hence, the Chobots Team is hosting another Game Night this month.
The Game Night will be held on the 26th of January at 10.15 PM (22.00) Cho-Time. The Game Night will commence at the Space Racing Port.
You can refer the countdown above to know the exact amount of time left until the Game Night begins.
Remember: If you've already won in a specific game in a previous Game Night, you cannot win it again. You will have to play a different game and win there.
Are you excited? I definitely am. I might play Space Racing or Asteroids.

Updates & News

Hello Chobots!
How are you all? I hope everyone's doing good. I have a few news and updates to share with you'll.

To begin with, the Cafe Street has been put under construction. Everyone's really inquisitive to know if the Cafe Street is undergoing renovation or complete removal from Chobots. Personally, I like it that the Cafe Street is under construction since everyone gets to hangout in different places and it also saves us from monotony.
In other news, there are two epic events coming really soon on Chobots. Check out the picture below for more information!
As you can see from the picture above, we have new clothes coming on the 25th of January and Game Night on the 26th of January. I'm looking forward to playing Asteroids on the Game Night Day.
If you haven't noticed, I have updated the blog header to a better one that I made a short while ago. I hope you'll are loving it :-)
That's all for now folks. P.S. We've reached 20 FOLLOWERS. WOOT WOOT!!!!

New Build 2630

Hello Chobots!
Chobots has been updated. A new build i.e. Build 2630 is here. In this post, I will be elaborating all the new updates and changes that Build 2630 brings. Lets begin!
The Chobots Logo, Play Now Button and Become a Chobot button now have a teal blue gradient style.
On the Login Page, the Play Now button has a teal blue gradient style.
The server bars have a blue color style now.
 The Citizen Shortcuts button now has a greenish-blue color.
 The Premium Items button has a blue color style to it now.
The Picture Chat Button, ChatLog Button and Send Button have a teal blue gradient style now.
 The lights have been removed from the Cafe Street.
The name glitch on Galaxy Playercards have been fixed. You can see the glitched playercard on the left side while the new one on the right side.

 Here are the build updates as stated by Jake!.
Build 2630 by Jake 20/01/2013 4:20PM
- fixed galaxy playercard glitch
- design/colour changes to login page, loading screen, and UI
- removed lights from cafe street
- fixed white name on playercard
Loads of new stuff, right? Thats all for now though. Thanks for reading this long post!

Sweet Battle Contest Results

Hello Friends,
The Sweet Battle Contest has ended. The results are in. Have a look at the results below!
Congratulations to Patrick45, Wolfyy, and Chronological.
Here's what the winners receive for their hard work!
  • Patrick45: 7 Days of citizenship, 4000 bugs, 1st place medal
  • Wolfyy: 5 Days of citizenship, 3000 bugs, 2nd place medal
  • Chronological: 3 Days of citizenship, 2000 bugs, 3rd place medal
Good Job! Well done everyone else too who participated. Keep trying if you didn't win this time. You will surely some day.

$hop Restocked with New Items

Hello Friends!
The Chobots $hop has been restocked with new lovely items. New items, character bodies, chat bubbles and playercard colors have been added. The much awaited Egyptian Magic and a variety of cool playercard designs have also been added. Here's a look at the items that have been restocked/added to the $hop.

Beautiful, isn't it? I love each of these new items especially the Flames Playercard and Egyptian Magic. I already bought the rose. I might buy a couple others too soon. That's all. Have a wonderful day!

Updates & News

Hello Friends!
If you have viewed the $hop lately, you will notice that the $hop has been updated. Many new items, new chat bar styles, etc. have been added. Click here to go to the shop to view the new items.
There have been some updates recently in the staff . Nathan has left the Moderation Staff Team stating there's a lot of work involved. Hence, he is no longer a moderator. He has been demoted to Agent Status.
In other News, the Virtual World Club Shirts will be given out on Saturday. January 19th, 2013 at 01.30 PM PST [21:30 Cho-Time]. The location has not been announced yet. I'll update the location as soon as I know of it. Make sure to be there in order to get this lovely shirt.
P.S. Valentine's Day Template coming soon on the 30th on January :)) I've already commenced working on it. Stay Tuned!

New Agents

Hello Chobots!
The Agents Poll has ended. The votes of 165 Chobots have been tallied and the results are here. From the 4 most-voted candidates, 2 candidates have been added to the Agency Team - Icestormz & Gerrard16229.
Congratulations Icestormz and Gerrard16229. I'm sure you will do an amazing job in keeping Chobots even more safe.
To the others who made it to the poll but did not win, don't get disheartened. There's always another chance :)

New Button on Playercards

Hello Friends!
There's a new button coming soon to Chobots. This button will be placed on the playercard of the Chobot. it will be known as the Badges Button. When you click the button, it will show achievements of the player you've clicked.You will be able to view your own as well as other's attachments. It is identical to the Stamps Feature on Club Penguin.
In the image above, you can see Star's different achievements such as getting citizen, having 1,000,000 bugs, receiving a video camera, having 400 friends and completing the Nichos mission.
This button would surely be an amazing add to the Game and would keep everyone busy in gaining the different achievements.

CMV by Newy82

Hello Chobots!
Since, I was bored and since I haven't made a single video in a long time (for like 1or 2 years ), I thought of making one today. I made a Chobots Music Video (CMV) on the song Kiss You by One Direction. You can watch the video below!

I think I did pretty good considering the fact that I haven't made videos in a long time. What do you guys think? If you have any feedback/suggestions leave them in the comments.

Zoo's Bday Party Review & Other News

Hello Friend!
I'm having a frequent disconnection problem with my internet since the past few hours which means loads of connection errors on Chobots. So I wasn't able to take many pics at Zoo's Surprise Birthday Party. Zoo, Max and Koiz were at the party. Here are some pics which I was able to capture!
Zoo held some contests in which he gave out Zoo Shirts. The moderators rained Bday Shirts and a variety of magics and some furniture items.
Other News
Samantha is back at the Disco Lounge. You can access the disco lounge via the Rockemall Street. Update - Samantha is no more at the Rockemall Street. She is gone Dx
I drew Zoo IRL since it's his birthday. Here is a photo of my drawing. Looks horrible, right?
BTW, if you're wondering where are the wings on the left side, Psh I got lazy midway and didn't feel like drawing anymore C:


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