March Agents

Hello Everybody!
The Agents Poll has concluded. The votes have been tallied. Here are the results of the March Agents Poll. Our three new agents are :
  • Bluezorogirl - 32 votes
  • Bacon - 24 votes
  • Spencer - 23 votes
Congratulations to each one of you and welcome to the agents team!
To the others who did not win, don't feel dejected. You'll certainly have many more opportunities to earn the  Agent Badge in the future!

Spring Party Photos

Spring is here. In order to bid farewell to the Winter, the Team held a ravishing party at the Park today. Here are various pictures shot during the party.
The moderators did oodles of magic. Among the moderators, Yaniv, Curiosity, Strawberry and James were at the party. 
P.S. James's and Curiosity's trackers have been added to the Staff Trackers Page.

New Moderators & Artwork Email & New Poll

Hello Friends!
The Team has recently hired 2 new moderators - Curiosity and James. Make sure to congratulate them if you see them around. Here are their playercards!
The team has created a new email address specially made for the purpose of sending artwork, designs, videos, music and other unique creations. You can email anytime to send your art.
There is also a new poll added to the Official Blog. You need to pick which contests you'd like to see in the month of April. Click here to vote.
I think fashion and teamwork contests would be sapid and entertaining.
Have a great day.

March 2013 Agents Poll

Hello Friends!
Your recommendations for Agents have been tallied and a new agents poll is up. Here are the candidates of the Agents Poll!
  • Bluezorogirl13
  • Theufo
  • Spencer
  • Adster015
  • Woolyfleece
  • Bacon
  • Furry
Click here to vote on the Agents Poll.
Don't be disheartened if you do not win the badge this time. The fact that you have made it to the poll is a big achievement in itself. Besides that, you will have many more opportunities to earn the badge in the future.
Good Luck, Candidates!

Agents Recommendations

Hello Friends!
The Chobots Staff is once again looking for new agents to join the Agents Team. Recommend anyone who you think is deserving of your vote. Do not recommend someone just because they're your friends. You can recommend upto 2 people.
Put your recommendations into a comment on this post. You must comment your recommendations latest by the 18th of March.
Do not cheat by asking to be recommended or by making multiple accounts and voting yourself. This would result in disqualification and you will never be able to become an agent.
I also made this PDF to track the live tally of Recommendations. You can view it by clicking here or look at it below!

Your web browser doesn't have a PDF plugin. Instead you can click here to download the PDF file.

Good Luck!

Sweet-Battle Contest & New Poll

Hello Everyone!
A new Sweet Battle contest is happening right now. You have time to get to the top until Friday, the 15th of March. Remember, do not cheat. If you find someone cheating, send an email to along with proof.
 Also, a new poll has been posted on the Official Blog. The topic of the poll is 'Should old citizenship items come to the $hop?'. Vote Yes/No by clicking here.
Personally, I think it would be a great day to bring back old citizenship items to the $hop.
That's all for now. Have a great day.

New Build 2930 & New Chatbubble

Hello Everybody!
Chobots has been re-updated once again with a New Build numbered 2930. Let's go through the new updates that this Build comes with!
The Login Screen has been updated to the .com one. You can see a Spring animation too on the login page.
The Spring Animation has also been added on the homepage i.e.!
There's also a new Spring Chatbubble. You might have seen Jake and Zoo using the new chatbubble. Here's how it looks!
Also, Juniors now possess the ability to gift as well. We'll certainly see alot more trading of items now.

New Designer & Agents

Hello Friends!
Recently, there have been some changes in the Chobots Staff. Star has quit his designing job and hence, to replace him, we have Domidor, another excellent designer.
Also, Randomzzz has been deagented for inactivity while Gerrard16229 quit. To replace them, we have 2 new agents - Flapiefeet and Perfectlexie. The coincidence is that they're sisters in real life.
Congratulations Domidor, Flapiefeet and Perfectlexie.

Agents Meeting

Hello Everyone!
It's time for the monthly Agents Meeting. It will be held on Saturday, the 16th of March. Attendance isn't mandatory. Recent updates, bugs, events and ideas to improve Chobots will be discussed in this meeting.
The meeting will begin at 8.00 PM (Chobots Time) in the Agents HQ, in server Vanilla. All agents who will attend this meeting will receive a special prize. Here's a countdown to know the time left until the meeting!

Music Video Contest

Hello Friends!
After a long time, a new video contest has been started. Inorder to participate in this contest, you have to make a Music Video. You can choose any song as long as it isn't inappropriate. The videos will be judged on the basis of creativity, effects and quality.
You must submit your video in a comment here by Sunday, the 10th of March. The winners will be awarded with cool prizes.

March Citizenship & Events

Hey Chobots!
The March Citizenship Items are finally here after a delay of 5 days. Lets have a look at this month's items.
  • 1 Month - Rose Wings + 10,000 Bugs
  • 6 Months - Robot J-XV + 65,000 Bugs
  • 12 Months - Captain America 
I feel that the 12 Month Package is a really good buy. You also get a bonus Spring Playercard with the 12 month package and the other 2 citizenship items too.

Secondly, the events for this month have also been released. Have a look at this month's events below!
We have game nights on the 9th and 23rd. The St. Patrick's Day Celebration will be held from the 15th to the 17th. On the 20th, there'll be Spring Celebration. We'll also have an Easter Party on the 31st of this month, which would be a perfect ending. 
This month is certainly going to be a lot of fun.

Nichos VS Chobots Party

Hello Everyone!
Firstly, I'm extremely sorry for not posting frequently. I had important exams for which I needed to study almost all day which left me with little time to play chobots and also blogging. But, my exams have ended which means I can get back to posting more regularly!
Secondly, the Nichos VS Chobots Party was a huge hit. We Chobots together battled the Nicho King and his evil accomplice and managed to vanquish.  Here are some pictures!
We also had a party to celebrate this victory. It rained loads of rare stuff including carrot bags, nicho staffs, golden suit, etc. I had lots of fun and I hope you did too.


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