New Agents

Hello Chobots!
The Chobots Team has grown bigger with the addition of two new agents. These agents are Zali and Towie.
I congratulate you both on the accomplishment of this significant milestone. I hope you guys will do an amazing job in keeping Chobots safe and secure and do full justice to the badge you've received.

Winter Baking Contest

Hello Friends!
It's time for a Winter Baking Contest. It's a great time to get started with fun activities for the holidays. With this view in mind, the team is starting a new baking contest.
To participate, you will have to bake a Chobots related gingerbread, cake or any desert with a winter theme. The contest will go on starting today, December 30th all the way till January 5th. Good luck and have fun!

Winter Disco

Hello Chobots!
Winter is quickly approaching and thus, the team has decided to celebrate by hosting a Winter Disco party. This party will be held on the 21st of December at 9 PM Chobots Time at the Disco Lounge on the most crowded server.
It'll be an evening of fun, music and games. Be sure to dress your best, as they best dressed will receive an awesome mystery item.

Game Night Results

Hello Chobots!
Another Game Night has come to an end. A lot of chobots participated but only the best could prevail at the top. Here are the results of this Game Night!
  • Asteroid: Vasa12345
  • Pinball: Fuffeh
  • Mechanical Crab: Radmil
  • Robot Factory: Holly2009
  • Sweet Battle: Oomegaoo
  • Palm Painting: Caty25pretty1
  • Chess: Xoxoxo9112, Rebubika
  • Sliders: Sugardragon
  • Checkers: Isuarez
  • Chobots Racer: Godlight
  • Garbage Collector: Santos
  • Space Racer: Adventurous
  • Cow Mission: Waash17
  • Tug O' War: Rusty
  • Coins Rain: Lolo1989
  • Choboard: Zali
Congratulations! You've done a fantastic job. You all get a game controller, 5 days of citizenship and 5,000 bugs. If you didn't win this time, don't worry as there'll be many more opportunities in the future for you to win.

Agents Meeting

Hello Chobots!
Every month, an Agents meeting is held to discuss important topics regarding Chobots, improvements that could be made, etc. This month, too, a meeting will be held and the topic will be future development of Chobots for 2014.
This meeting will be held on Saturday, December 14th, at 12 PM Cho-time at the Agents' HQ on the most crowded server. This meeting is not mandatory to attend but it's recommended that you do attend. You will be awarded an attendance gift if you attend the whole meeting.

Game Night

Hey Chobots!
The team has planned a Game Night for this weekend. In case you didn't know much about Game Night, Game Night is an event that lasts for a specific amount of time [usually 2 hours] during which all games are opened for competition and the top place securer in every game gets a prize.
As you can see from the image, the Game Night will be held on Sunday, the 15th of December at 8 PM Cho-Time. The prizes as always will be a game controller, citizenship and bugs. Remember, if you've won in a certain game at the previous Game Night, you will have to play a different game this time in order to win. Also, cheating is not allowed and will be punished.

Pinball Contest Results

Hello Chobots!
The pinball contest has ended and we have some interesting scores. A huge number of chobots participated and some have managed to reach excellent scores. Have a look at the scoreboard!
  • Holly2009 - 15 days of citizenship and 4000 bugs
  • Xoxoxo9112 - 11 days of citizenship and 3000 bugs
  • Leave - 9 days of citizenship and 2500 bugs
Congratulations! You've played superbly and deserve these prizes. To all those who did not win, there'll be many more opportunities in the future. Good Luck!

Winter Music Video Contest

Hello Friends,
As it's already begun to snow in different places around the world, the team is starting a new "Winter" Music Video Contest. To participate, you have to create a music video using a Winter or Holidays song. The video should also be based around a Winter or Holidays theme. Refrain from choosing an inappropriate song.
Once you've finished creating your video, upload it to Youtube and paste the link in a comment here. The comment must include your Chobots username. The last day to submit your entry is December 18. The winners will be awarded with sweet prizes.

December 2013 Journalists

Hello Chobots!
2013 has undoubtedly been a fantastic year for the Journalist Program, as it helped showcase many amazing blogs. The team will them send a prize to every chobot who participated in the program this year.
It's time now to announce the journalists for this month. They are as follows :
For the continuous endeavor, efforts that she puts into making her blog well informed and updated, Vasa12345 has been declared the Journalist of the Year 2013. She has managed to sustain her seat in the Journalist Program for a vast period.

Pinball Contest

Hello Chobots!
The Chobots Team has started a new pinball contest since there hasn't been one since a long duration. This pinball contest will go on from today through the 10th of December, 9 PM Cho-Time. This leaves you with 2 days to accumulate points and get to the top. The winners will be rewarded with "super cool" prizes. If you find any suspicious activity, don't hesitate to contact along with visual proof attached. Good luck!

New Forum Look

Hello Chobots!
The updates that were being carried over on the Forum have now concluded!  The new forum is more user-friendly, much more sleek, and more "modern". There are still multiple glitches on the forum. Should you encounter any please be sure to post them in the Forum's Bug Reporting section. There was also an error that occurred while uploading avatars. Hence, every chobot will have to re-upload their avatar.
There are also a few more things that have been planned. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a topic in the Suggestions forum. In the process, warning points were also converted incorrectly. Warning levels were converted to points. This will be fixed soon. For instance, if you have like 50 warning points, there's no need to worry.

Research Contest

Hello Chobots!
As we're nearing Christmas rapidly, the Chobots Team wants us to learn about some of the other cultures and traditions carried on by some people during Christmas. One such festival is Kwanzaa which is widely celebrated by some cultures. Since most of us have probably never heard about it, the Chobots Team is holding a research contest on the topic "Kwanzaa".
Compile information from various sources such as the internet, newspapers, magazines, journals, etc. onto the above template. Refrain from directly copy pasting information as it would be considered cheating. This contest ends on the 10th of December. The winners will receive awesome prizes. Have fun researching!

December Citizenship

Hello Chobots!
December has begun and as usual, we have a new citizenship package. You can check out the new package in the picture on the right side. The designers, this month, have designed royal outfits for boys and girls. The package also includes an icey staff and wings as well as a whopping 10,000 bugs and comes at an excellent price of just $4.99. A nifty perquisite of Citizenship is the ability to trade and gift that comes along with it. If you'd like to purchase citizenship, click here.

Winter Art Contest

Hello Chobots!
The season of Winter is slowly approaching, it's been getting colder and snowfall has already begun in certain places over the world. A perfect way to celebrate the onset of this season is by drawing and creating art. Hence, the Chobots Team has decided to hold a drawing contest. To participate, you must draw at least one of the four staff members pictured below. However, you may draw more than one.
You can even draw a wonderful winter landscape to go along with the drawing or a cozy room with Christmas decorations in order to increase your chances of winning. The winners will be awarded with some prizes, including a special winter only prize. You have time until December 12th to submit your drawings.


Hello Chobots!
If you've been online, you might have noticed that your friend list is totally empty. Don't worry as no one has left you. The Chobots Team has reset the friend lists of all Chobots in order to remove unused and inactivate accounts from lists to provide an optimal and faster transition while opening the Friends List. To compensate for this inconvenience, the team is sending all users 7,000 bugs.
In other news, there have been some small updates to the world of Chobots. The cafe has been decorated for Christmas and looks extremely vibrant with these new amazing decorations.
The chobot character on the home page of the game has also been updated. The chobot now has a Santa hat and a scarf put on as well as a Winter sledge. We'll probably be seeing a lot more Christmas updates in the days leading up to Christmas.

Forum Updates

Hello Chobots!
The past few days, the Chobots Forum Team has been working hard on making the forums more appealing. For those of you who do not know what the Chobots Forum is, the Chobots Forum is a compilation of discussion boards where you can talk with other Chobots users about all different kinds of things. You can creat threads as well as reply to threads and enjoy many other features on the forum.
The forum team has decided to add on some new features. They have fixed multiple forum glitches as well as installed a new theme. Currently the forum is offline for down time, but in the next couple of days, you'll be able to see some new things. These updated will bring some new features such as :
  • More awards and badges!
  • And more! It's all a surprise for when the forum is back online.
If you have any suggestions for the forum, feel free to post a suggestion in the "Suggestions" forum on the Chobots Forum!

Sweet Battle Contest Results

Hello Chobots!
The Sweet Battle contest has now concluded and it's time to announce the winners. The scoreboard clearly indicates that this has been one of the closest competitions in recent times. Many chobots pariticpated but only the best could prevail at the top. Have a look at these results below!
  • Pjr40 - 5 days of Citizenship, 7000 bugs and a first place medal
  • Godlight - 4 days of Citizenship, 5000 bugs and a second place medal
  • Ipearcake - 3 days of Citizenship, 3000 bugs and a third place medal
Congratulations all Winners and enjoy your prizes. If you did not win this time, don't be disappointed there'll be many more opportunities in the future for you to win and earn prizes. Have a nice day!

Sweet Battle Contest

Hello Chobots!
As we approach the weekend, a new Sweet Battle Contest has been started on Chobots. The game-play consists attacking your opponent with a variety of sweets to win
This contest will go on from today, November 29th till December 1st, which roughly leaves you with three days to collect points. Of course, cheating is forbidden and if you find someone cheating, send an email to along with evidence. Good Luck and I hope you have a great time competing.

Market Funds Retrieval

Hello Chobots!
As you might already be aware, the Chobots Market was shut down recently. As this happened without prior notice, many chobots still have a remaining balance in their Market Accounts. From today up till December 2nd, 2013, you can claim your remaining balance and get it attached back to you account. Inorder to claim, you need to follow the steps below :
  • Write an email to with the subject Market Transfer.
  • Include your username, email address (that you used for reigistering your account) 
  • Also include the information found on
  • Provide your current amount of bugs
Once the email is sent, the Staff will transfer the remain balance to your account within a time frame of 3 days. No requests for market funds retrieval, after December 3rd, 2013, will be entertained.

Thanksgiving Party

Hello Chobots!
We had a beautiful party on Chobots yesterday to mark the occassion of Thanksgiving, a day widely celebrated in the United States of America and Canada. Here is a screenshot of a spaceship sent by a moderator during the party.
Here is a slideshow containing images from the party!

Several moderators showed up during the party. There was a variety of magic and rain and we also had some quizzes, the winners of which received Strawberry shirts and bugs. During the party, we moved locations from Cafe Street to Rope Street for a change. The moderators played several songs to which everyone danced. This certainly was a stunning and colorful party. Happy Holidays!

$hop Restock - Black Friday Sale

Hello Chobots!
Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, often regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. To participate in this occassion, the Chobots Team has restocked the Premium $hop with numerous items, chat bubbles, characters and playercards at subsided prices. To draw benefits from this sale, head over to the $hop.
If you purchase items worth $15 in total, you'll get an Arcade absolutely free.
These deals will be available from today, November 26th up till Tuesday, December 3rd giving you eight days to shop your favorite items. 
Happy Holidays!

New Staff

Hello friends!
The Chobots Staff has grown huger with 2 new additions - Thomas and Bluewonder. Formerly an agent, Thomas has now been promoted to Staff. At present, he is serving as a "Creative Director" and his main job is to think of all of the creative events, parties, and competitions on Chobots as well as schedule everything out. The other addition is Bluewonder, who is our newest moderator and will be around ensuring everything's fine.
If you see them around Chobots, make sure to congratulate them on their newly achieved statuses. I'm sure they'll do a great job!

Space Racing Results

Hello Chobots!
The Space Racing Contest has concluded. It's time now to announce the winners and the prizes they will receive. Have a look at the results below!
  • Newy82 - 14 days of Citizenship, 5000 bugs, Red Cholympics Medal
  • Godlight - 10 days of Citizenship, 4000 bugs, Green Cholympics Medal
  • Blusche - 7 days of Citizenship, 3000 bugs, Blue Cholympics Medal
Congratulations everyone and enjoy your prizes! To anyone that tried and didn't win, there'll be many more opportunities in the future. Good luck!

Thanksgiving TV Contest

Hello Chobots!
Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. To celebrate this occasion, the Chobots team is hosting a TV Contest. In this contest, you have to write and/or draw a report or a news about Thanksgiving. You can use any of the two templates below!
You have time until Thursday, the 28th of November to submit your entries. You can post your entry in a comment here. The comment must include the link of the entry along with your username in-game. Good Luck!

Chobots Winter Decorations

Hello Chobots!
The development team has updated Chobots for the season of Winter. Most rooms have been updated with piles of snow strewn around, snowmen, gifts and Christmas trees. Have a look below at what's been updated!
The server selection page has been updated with a Winter feel and we also have three new servers - Snowflake, Gingerbread and Peppermint.
 Cafe Street
 Shop Street
 Space Quay
 Space Racing
 Rope Street
Mission Agency
 Eco Street
 Rockemall Street
Robots Arena
Beautiful, Right? These updates are certainly adorable and are a great way to kick off the new season. Have a great day!

Space Racing Contest

Hello Friends!
The team has announced a new contest today. A Space Racing Contest will be held this week on Chobots. The fastest racers will be rewarded with "sweet" prizes.
The contest will start tomorrow, Thursday, the 21st of November at 19.00 PM Cho-Time and will end on Saturday, the 23rd of November at 19.00 PM Cho-Time
You can make use of the countdown timer above to know when the contest will start. Good Luck everyone and have fun!

New Designer - Nightmare

There's been a new addition to the Chobots Staff Team. Chobot Nightmare has been recruited as a new Designer. Have a look at his playercard with the new badge!
He has designed a lot of items in the past. You can have a look at most of his designs on the forum. Congratulations Nightmare and I hope to see many more items being designed by you.

November Events

Hello Chobots!
It's been a while since the Events Page had been updated. But it's been recently updated with the events planned for the month of November. Let's have a look!
  • 16th November - Game Night [This Game Night has already been held successfully.]
  • 25th November - Clothes Refresh [New clothes and older ones could be added while some will be removed.]
  • 27th November - New Journalists [The Journalists for the month of December will be announced.]
  • 28th November - Thanksgiving [An event/party to be held to celebrate Thanksgiving.]
That's a pretty awesome lineup of events which everyone will be looking forward to. Have a great day!

Game Night Results

Hello Chobots!
Another Game Night has now concluded. The Game Night held this time was easier compared to previous ones as it only lasted an hour. It's now time to announce the winner in each game. 
Here is a list of the winners!
  • Asteroids: Amartya
  • Choboard: Xoxoxo9912
  • Mechanical Crab: Waash17
  • Pinball: Soccer
  • Robo Factory: Thrasher
  • Space Racer: Vendettamouse
  • Garbage Collector: Newy82
  • Tug 'O War: Agnesie
  • Coins Rain: Nightboyz125
  • Palm Painting: Books
  • Checkers: Bebot
  • Chess: Vasa12345
  • Sliders: Maya
  • Chobots Racer: Camera
  • Sweet Battle: Godlight
Congratulations winners! Each winner gets 3000 Bugs, 5 Days of Citizenship and a Game Controller. Enjoy your prizes.

Sliders Contest Results

Hello Chobots!
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekends. Last week we had a Sliders Contest which has now ended after a duration of 2 days. Many chobots participated but only the best could prevail at the top. The results are here.
Here is a list of the winners and the prizes they receive.
  • 1st place: Godligh - 14 days of Citizenship, 5000 bugs and the 1st place medal
  • 2nd place: Newy82 - 10 days of Citizenship, 4500 bugs and the 2nd place medal
  • 3rd place: Thrasher -  7 days of Citizenship, 3500 bugs and the 3rd place medal
Congratulations to all the winners! To those that didn't win this time, there will always be another opportunity for you to try and win.

Trees Day

I hope everyone's having a great weekend. Meanwhile, Julia has come up with an interesting challenge. Today i.e. August 4th, everyone must work together to keep all trees blue throughout Chobots for two hours straight.
Remember, we only have 24 hours to complete this challenge. If we fail, we will get another chance eventually some day to try again. If successful, everyone will be rewarded with a special prize.
Good Luck everyone!

Space Racing Winners

The Space Racing Contest has concluded and we have some winners. Everyone did a great job even though only the top three can be picked. Here are the winners!
  • Grace gets a first place medal, 7 days of citizenship and 10,000 bugs.
  • Adventurous gets a second place medal, 5 days of citizenship and 7,000 bugs.
  • I3ullet gets a third place medal, 3 days of citizenship and 3,000 bugs.
Congratulations on being the fastest Space Racers on Chobots. You'll did an amazing job. To the others who didn't win, there'll be plenty more opportunities in the future.

New Agents

Hello Everyone!
The Agents Poll has ended. The votes have been tallied and as a result, we have 3 new agents. These chobots have proved to the community their worthiness to be an Agent.
The new agents are Chalk, Camera & Twirl. Congratulations to the three of you on accomplishing the badge.
To the others who made it to the poll but couldn't succeed, you should be proud as it a great achievement to even make it to the poll.
Have a great weekend!

May 2013 Journalists

Hello Chobots!
The team has recently announced that they are looking out for new journalists for the month of May 2013. However, there are a few requirements that your blog should fulfill if you wish to participate.
  • Your blog should be at least one month old and updated weekly.
  • The posts on your blog must be your own and creative. You may not copy from other blogs or websites.
  • Images found on the Official Blog may be used in your posts.
Journalists are awarded with many wonderful perks and benefits such as:
  • Your blog will be featured on the play page
  • Journalist badge on your playercard with the title of your blog
  • In the beginning of the month, one free week of Citizenship
  • Invited to an exclusive mailing list to receive information of upcoming events, future features and news before anyone else
  • You will receive the exclusive feather item automatically
  • You will be invited to write one blog post here on the Official Blog
  • The ability to contact a moderator through PC, even when their card is blocked
  • Your blog will be bookmarked by the Moderators
  • Your website will be featured on the Official Blog
  • And a purple name tag
If you would like to apply for Journalism, submit your blog link in a comment here. You have until Thursday, the 10th of May to submit your blog. After the submissions are closed, the Chobots Team will review all the blogs and then announce the new journalists for May 2013.


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